At The Widow Collaborative, our roots are firmly planted in the heart of the community, allowing us to extend a helping hand to those in the Twin Cities area who need it the most.

While we began as a Minnesota non-profit, our aspirations reach far beyond state lines. We envision a nationwide network of resources and support, connected by compassion and a common journey towards healing and growth.

Who We Help

Our outreach knows no bounds, touching the lives of the widowed, and helping them find their way amidst the emotional turbulence that follows spouse or partner loss. Whether you’re struggling to navigate loss and looking for grief support in the Twin Cities, or generally seeking guidance toward rebuilding your life, our resources are tailored to empower you, no matter where you are.

Strength in Unity, Support in Community

Connect with Us

While we may have started in Minnesota, our non-profit goal is to stand beside widows from every corner of the nation. If you’re looking to join our compassionate community or simply want to reach out, we’re here for you.

Strength in Unity, Support in Community

While we may have started in Minnesota, our non-profit goal is to stand beside widows from every corner of the nation. If you’re looking to join our compassionate community or simply want to reach out, we’re here for you.

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