Walk With Us

We believe that small acts of kindness can create a world of difference. Whether you can spare a few hours a week or a couple of days a month, your time and talents are invaluable to us. Explore our volunteer opportunities today and become a vital part of our mission.


We are looking for passionate Volunteers who desire to make a difference in the lives of widows.

As widows ourselves, our purpose is to use what we’ve learned so far to support and simplify a complicated time for others on the same path. Our mission is to ease the burden on widows and, by extension, their children by creating an online tool, collection of resources, and supportive community. The Widow Collaborative (TWC) will be the initial place new widows look to find guidance, hope, and community, resulting in strength, empowerment, and resilience.

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The Widow Collaborative thrives on the compassion and dedication of individuals like you.

We believe that by coming together, we can provide a holistic support system that makes a difference. Each gesture helps us move closer to our vision: a world where every widow feels understood and supported in redefining their future.

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